
Comprehension on respiratory system

Comprehension Passage: Respiration in Humans

Our body needs energy to do everything we do, like playing, walking, and even sleeping! This energy comes from the food we eat, but to get the energy out of our food, we need to breathe in oxygen from the air. This process is called respiration. Respiration allows us to get oxygen into our bodies, which helps release energy from food.

Parts of the Respiratory System and Their Functions

The respiratory system is made up of several parts. Here are the main parts and what they do:

  1. Nose and Mouth: This is where the air enters our body. Tiny hairs in our nose help trap dust and dirt to keep our lungs clean.
  2. Trachea (Windpipe): The trachea is a tube that connects our nose and mouth to our lungs.
  3. Lungs: We have two lungs, which are like soft bags filled with tiny air sacs. This is where the oxygen goes into our blood.
  4. Bronchi and Bronchioles: These are smaller tubes in the lungs that carry air to tiny air sacs called alveoli.
  5. Alveoli: These are tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles where oxygen passes into our blood, and carbon dioxide (a waste gas) passes out to be breathed out.

How the Respiratory System Works

When we breathe in, or inhale, oxygen travels from our nose or mouth down the trachea and into our lungs. In the lungs, the oxygen moves into the alveoli and is absorbed into our blood. Our blood then carries the oxygen to all parts of the body. At the same time, the blood picks up carbon dioxide, a waste gas, and carries it back to the lungs. When we breathe out, or exhale, the carbon dioxide leaves our body.

Keeping the Respiratory System Healthy

To keep our respiratory system healthy, we should breathe clean air, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking. Clean air helps protect our lungs from harmful particles, and exercise makes our lungs stronger.

Diseases that Can Affect the Respiratory System

Some diseases can harm the respiratory system, making it harder for us to breathe. Examples include:

  • Asthma: This makes it hard to breathe because the airways swell.
  • Bronchitis: An infection in the bronchi that causes coughing and mucus.
  • Pneumonia: A lung infection that fills the air sacs with fluid, making it difficult to breathe.

Multiple Choice Questions

Which disease causes the airways to swell, making it hard to breathe?
a) Asthma
b) Bronchitis
c) Heart disease
d) Diabetes

Why do we need to breathe?
a) To get oxygen into our bodies
b) To get rid of food
c) To make us sleepy
d) To stop us from moving

What is the main function of the lungs?
a) To store food
b) To allow oxygen into the blood
c) To create food for the body
d) To store water

What happens to the air we breathe in through our nose?
a) It travels directly to the stomach
b) It helps to warm and clean the air
c) It turns into water
d) It changes into blood

What is the name of the tube that connects the nose and mouth to the lungs?
a) Bronchi
b) Alveoli
c) Trachea
d) Bronchioles

Where does oxygen enter the blood in the lungs?
a) Alveoli
b) Stomach
c) Windpipe
d) Mouth

How does the body get rid of carbon dioxide?
a) Through the skin
b) By holding our breath
c) By breathing out
d) By eating

What is one way to keep the respiratory system healthy?
a) Eating a lot of candy
b) Breathing clean air
c) Watching TV all day
d) Eating spicy food

Which of the following can harm the respiratory system?
a) Fresh air
b) Exercise
c) Smoking
d) Sleeping

What happens to the air sacs in pneumonia?
a) They fill with blood
b) They fill with fluid
c) They get bigger
d) They disappear

Written by Gavin Thomas

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