
Literacy studies GRADES 1 TO 4 lesson planner

**How to Use This Tool:**

1. **Select Your Grade:** Begin by choosing your grade level.
2. **Enter Subjects and Outcomes:** List all the subjects and specific outcomes you wish to achieve from the passage you are uploading. For example:
– Identify the short /a/ sound in various positions within words.
– Develop reading fluency skills.
– Identify homophones and list their pairs using the text.
3. **Upload Your Passage:** Take a clear, high-quality photo of the passage or story you’ll be using for your literacy studies. If your material is in PDF or Word document format, you can upload that instead.
4. **Choose Files:** Select the appropriate file (image, PDF, or Word document) from your device.
5. **Submit:** Click on the submit button, and the AI will generate your lesson plan.

 You must be logged in or a paid subscriber to view this content.  Subscription to a  plan is $6000 a year . Whatsapp 6490508 .

Written by Gavin Thomas