Contraction quiz 1 by Gavin Thomas November 30, 2023, 9:51 pm Welcome to your Contraction quiz 1 your teacher's email your name your school 1. Select the contraction of the bold words in the sentence.We have completed our home-work. we'ave weve wev'e we've None 2. Select the contraction of the bold words in the sentence.I will not be attending the party. willn't won't wouldn't will'not None 3. Select the contraction of the bold wordWhat is the contraction for does not? doesn't doesnt doen't does'nt None 4. Select the contraction of the bold wordWhat is the contraction for could not ? Could've Couldnt Couldn't Couldno't None 5. Select the contraction of the bold wordWe should not be late to the party. shoul'dnt should'not shouldn't sh'ouldnt None 6. Select the contraction of the bold wordMary and Clark will not be able to make it the show.. Won't Will'nt Wouldn't Willnt None 7. Select the contraction of the bold wordLet us begin the lesson now. Let'us Let's Letn't Lets None 8. Select the contraction of the bold wordThat is Thats' That'is That's Thati's None 9. Select the contraction of the bold wordI am not happy about leaving early. Im I'm Ia'm Im' None 10. Select the contraction of the bold wordYou are going to the store with me. You're Your You'r Your'e None 11. Choose the correct answerWhat two words are put together to make I'm? I is I had I would I am None 12. Choose the correct answerWhat two words are put together to make I've? I had I would I have I am None 13. Choose the correct answerWhat two words make up the contraction we'd? we did we would we had we said None 14. Select the contraction of the bold wordLet us be firm, but also talk. let’us lets let’s let’nt None 15. Select the contraction of the bold wordThe rash is not itchy but it is red . ain't isnt is'not isn’t None 16. Select the contraction of the bold wordIt shall be done once we get the results. ain't isnt it'all it'll None 17. Select the contraction of the bold wordWhy did you bring the dog today , thr sun is very hot , why'd why'id why'di why'll None 18. Choose the correct answerWhat two words make up the contraction who's? who has who as who have who will None 19. Choose the correct answerWhat two words make up the contraction where'd ? where not where did where done where ed None 20. Choose the correct answerWhat two words make up the contraction oughtn't ? ought not ought did over not ought ed None Time's upSee morePrevious article Punctuation marks quiz 1Next article English examination practice1 Written by Gavin ThomasLeave a ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment *Name Email Website