Topic by Topic Quizzes (we are repairing this page some quizzes will not work)

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  1. Caring for public property
  2. Rules and responsibilities   fixed
  3. Resources of the low coastal plain
  4. Low coastal plain quiz 1  fixed
  5. Low coastal plain quiz 2  fixed
  6. Hilly sand and clay region  fixed
  7. Interior Savannahs  fixed
  8. Forested Highland region  fixed
  9. Forested Highland region 1  fixed
  10. Guyana Natural regions  fixed
  11. Label the rivers in Guyana
  12. Identify the towns in Guyana fixed
  13. Guyana three counties FIXED
  14. What is Family and their functions fixed
  15. Extended Family
  16. Nuclear family
  17. Siblings household
  18. Blended family
  19. The family
  20. Means and mode of transportation in Guyana fixed
  21. Transportation rules
  22. Label Guyana 10 administrative regions FIXED
  23. Communication 
  24. Important places in our administrative regions 
  25. Resources of the administrative regions
  26. Co operatives
  27. Guyana Immediate continental neighbours
  28. Imports and exports of our continental neighbours
  29. Continental neighbours fixed
  30. Label countries in South America fixed
  31. Caribbean neighbours
  32. Development of CARICOM with video
  33. Caricom flags
  34. Caricom quiz 1
  35. Weather instruments  fixed
  36. The watercycle fixed
  37. What Is Greenhouse Gas?
  38. What is Global Warming?
  39. Global Warming: Atmospheric Causes and Effect on Climate fixed
  40. Fossil Fuels, Greenhouse Gases, and Global Warming #
  41. Types of Energy Resources #
  42. Global Climate Change: Effects and Strategies to reduce it
  43. Climatic change
  44. Car Pollution Facts
  45. Caring for public property
  46. Latitude & Longitude : Definition, Examples & Facts
  47. Locating Points on the Surface of the Earth
  48. Earth Hemispheres FIXED
  49. Differences of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
  50. What is the Prime Meridian? – Definition, Facts & Location
  51. Tropics of Cancer & Capricorn Lesson for Kids: Definition & Facts
  52. International Date Line: Definition, History & Location fixed
  53. The World Map: Overview & Major Geographical Regions
  54. Arctic zone
  55. Antarctic zone
  56. Polar Climate Facts FIXED
  57. Temperate Climate Zone
  58. Tropical zones 
  59. Rainforest Layers FIXED
  60. Deserts facts
  61. Overview of Antarctic Geography
  62. Arctic Habitat
  63. Climatic zones
  64. Layers of earth FIXED
  65. Continent Facts
  66. African Countries
  67. Asia Facts
  68. Europe Facts 
  69. Antarctica 
  70. North America 
  71. South America 
  72. Australia 
  73. Earth’s Oceans fixed
  74. Earth seas and gulf
  75. The Earth’s Axis
  76. Stages of Guyana Politically  development
  77. Symbols of nationhood fixed
  78. Symbols of nationhood video and quiz fixed
  79. National holidays and observances  fixed
  80. Monuments related to Africans and slavery
  81. The African Liberation Monument
  82. The Enmore Martyrs’ Monument fixed
  83. The 1823 Monument  fixed
  84. The 1763 Monument
  85. Damon’s Monument
  86. The Georgetown Cenotaph
  87. Indian Arrival Monument
  88. Identify monuments in Guyana
  89. Harmful and helpful drugs fixed
  90. Leaders in our communities  fixed
  91. Natural resources
  92. Guyana water resources
  93. Transportation quiz 1
  94. Transportation and safety
  95. The Chinese
  96. The Triangular Trade fixed
  97. The middle passage
  98. Slave rebellions in Guyana
  99. The Africans FIXED
  100. The Amerindians  fixed
  101. The Europeans
  102. The East Indians  fixed
  103. The Portuguese fixed
  104. The Ethnic groups of Guyana 
  105. Symbols of Nationhood  fixed
  106. Caricom quiz 1 fixed
  107. Man made and Natural disasters 
  108. Forecasting Hurricanes , hurricane watch , warning and hurricane safety
  109. Typhoons 
  110. Earthquakes 
  111. Volcanos
  112. Wildfire Lesson  fixed
  113. Human Activities That Increase the Risk of Natural Disasters
  114. Natural disasters  fixed
  115. Social Studies Examination practice 1
  116. Social Studies Examination practice 2
  117. Social Studies Examination practice 3
  118. Social Studies Examination practice 4
  119. Social Studies Examination practice 5
  120. Social Studies Examination practice 6
  121. Social Studies Examination practice 7
  122. Social Studies Examination practice 8


  1. Model and write numbers using base ten blocks fixed
  2. Place value , face value and value
  3. Convert Between Place Values FIXED
  4. Compare Number up to millions fixed
  5. Writing numbers up to 100,000 in words: convert words to digits fixed
  6. Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert words to digits
  7. Whole number expansion fixed
  8. Multiple and factors
  9. Highest common factor
  10. Lowest common multiple
  11. Odd and even numbers
  12. Prime and composite numbers
  13. Prime factor
  14. Prime factorization FIXED
  15. Natural and whole numbers fixed
  16. Order of Operations {BODMAS} fixed
  17. Divisibility rules  problems fixed
  18. Square numbers FIXED
  19. Square Root
  20. 3 laws of Number operations 
  21. Number sequence
  22. Pattern sequence
  23. Rounding numbers to the nearest tens
  24. Rounding numbers to the nearest hundreds
  25. Rounding numbers to the nearest thousands
  26. Number Concepts Practice fixed
  27. Reciprocal of a number and fractions fixed
  28. Types of fractions
  29. Changing mixed number to improper fractions and vice versa
  30. Changing improper fractions and vice versa fixed
  31. Equivalent fractions
  32. Rounding mixed numbers to whole number fixed
  33. Add Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators quiz 1
  34. Adding fractions
  35. Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators
  36. Multiplying fractions
  38. Division of fractions
  40. Adding fractions word problems
  41. Subtracting fractions word problems
  42. Multiplying fractions word problems
  43. Division of fractions word problems
  44. Arranging fractions in ascending and descending order  fixed
  45. Fractions general quiz (40 questions) fixed
  46. Place value of decimals fixed
  47. Arranging decimals in ascending and descending order
  48. Adding decimals
  49. Subtracting decimals
  50. Dividing decimals by decimals fixed
  51. Multiplying Decimals by 10 , 100 and 1000
  52. Converting Mixed Numbers to Decimals
  53. Rounding decimals to the nearest tenths
  54. Adding decimals word problems
  55. Subtracting decimals word problems
  56. Dividing decimals word problems
  57. Multiplying Decimals word problems
  58. Changing fractions to decimal.
  59. Changing decimals to fractions
  60. Decimal general quiz 1 (40 question) fixed
  61. Changing fractions to decimals to percentage
  62. Changing percentage to fraction 
  63. Percentage of a quantity 
  64. Discount percentage
  65. Perimeter general quiz 1 (30 questions)
  66. Missing angles on a line
  67. Types of angles
  68. Supplementary angles
  69. Complementary angles
  70. Angles in a circle
  71. Vertically opposite angles
  72. Angles in a triangle 
  73. Angles in a quadrilateral
  74. Angles on a clock
  75. Congruent angles
  76. Types of lines
  77. Lines, intervals and rays
  78. Lines of symmetry   fixed
  79. Identifying polygons  fixed
  80. Types of triangles
  81. Types of quadrilateral
  82. Congruent shapes
  83. Nets of three-dimensional figures 
  84. Perimeter counting square units and plane shapes fixed 
  85. Perimeter of polygons 
  86. Perimeter of compound shapes 
  87. Perimeter of shape with missing sides
  88. Perimeter of circles
  89. Perimeter of semi circles
  90. Area of square units
  92. Area of triangles 
  93. Areas of squares
  94. Area of rectangles
  95. Add Money Amounts: Word Problems fixed
  96. Money
  97. Elapsed time
  98.  Elapsed time: word problems fixed
  99. Convert time units FIXED
  100. Convert between 12-hour and 24-hour time
  101. Reading schedules
  102. Time
  103. Metrics unit conversion 
  104. Compare metric units of length 
  105. Compare metric units of mass
  106. Compare metric units of volume
  107. Measurements of length
  108. Weight and mass
  109. Litres / millilitres
  110. Direct proportion 
  111. Indirect proportion 
  112. Proportion with time
  113. Unequal sharing
  114. Writing ratio
  115. Equivalent ratios 
  116. Ratio
  117. Mean/ average 
  118. Mode
  119. Median
  120. Range
  121. Tally chart
  122. Bar graphs
  123. Pie chart 
  124. Mathematic Examination practice 1
  125. Mathematic Examination practice 2
  126. Mathematic Examination practice 3
  127. Mathematic Examination practice 4
  128. Mathematic Examination practice 5
  129. Mathematic Examination practice 6
  130. Mathematic Examination practice 7
  131. Mathematic Examination practice 8


  1. Types of plants
  2. Types of non flowering plants
  3. Parts of a flowering plant
  4. Monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants differences
  5. Parts of a flowering plants and their functions
  6. Parts of the flowers
  7. Parts of the leaf and their functions
  8. Types of Leaves: Structure & Arrangement
  9. parts of a seed and their functions
  10. seed dispersal
  11. Photosynthesis
  12. Respiration
  13. Transpiration
  14. Parts the flower and their functions
  15. Parts of a seed and their functions
  16. Germination
  17. Pollination and fertilisation in plants
  18. Asexual propagation
  19. Plant kingdom DIFFICULT QUESTIONS quiz 1
  20.  invertebrates
  21. Mammals FIXED
  22. Reptiles FIXED
  23. Fishes
  24. Parts of a fish and its functions
  25. Amphibians fixed
  26. Birds
  27. Similarities and differences among Vertebrates
  28. Herbivores,  Carnivores, Omnivores 
  29. Groups of invertebrates
  30. Vertebrates and invertebrates 
  31. Arthropods
  32. Insects
  33. The lifecycle of a cockroach
  34. Lifecycle of a butterfly
  35. Life Cycle of a Grasshopper fixed
  36.  Life cycle of a housefly
  37. Mosquito life cycle
  38. Insect lifecycle
  39. Useful Insects
  40. Harmful Insects
  41. Worms fixed
  42. Molluscs FIXED
  43. Animal kingdom quiz 1
  44. Decomposers fixed
  45. Producers, Consumers & Decomposers in Ecosystems FIXED
  46. Food Chains, Trophic Levels and Energy Flow in an Ecosystem
  47. Rainforest Food Chains
  48. Food web and food chain 
  49. Types of joints
  50. Bones and skeleton system
  51. Blood Vessels fixed
  52. Our heart
  53. The circulatory system
  54. The excretory/Urinary system
  55. The respiratory system FIXED
  56. Digestive system fixed
  57. Human teeth
  58. The food Pyramid 
  59. Food group and nutrition fixed
  60. Nutrients and diet  fixed
  61. Biodegradable and Nonbiodegradable
  62. Conservation of materials
  63. Soil profile fixed
  64. Materials fixed
  65. Soil Pollution
  66. Air Pollution
  67. Water Pollution
  68. What is composting ?
  69. Recycling Lesson for Kids: Facts & Definition
  70. The 3 Rs of Reducing Solid Waste: Reuse, Reduce & Recycle fixed
  71. Pollution fixed
  72. Materials and their properties 
  73. Water cycle
  74. Weathering and erosion  fixed
  75. Properties of matter
  76. Mixtures and solutions
  77. Separating Mixtures
  78. Space Facts
  79. Earth and space
  80. Earth’s Rotation 
  81. Earth’s Revolution and Rotation fixed
  82. Phases of the moon fixed
  83. Solar and lunar eclipse fixed
  84. The moon and tides
  85. The solar system
  86. Energy: Definition & Types
  87. Non-Renewable Energy Facts
  88. Renewable Energy
  89. What Are Fossil Fuels? – Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages
  90. Light energy
  91. Sound energy fixed
  92. What is Energy Conservation?
  93. Energy transformation
  94. What is Electrical Energy? – Definition & Examples
  95. Parallel Circuits: Definition & Concepts
  96. What is a Series Circuit? – Definition & Example
  97. Current electricity 
  98. Static electricity
  99. Electric Circuit Diagrams
  100. Electricity circuit and electricity
  101. Heat energy  fixed
  102. What is Wind Energy?
  103. What is Chemical Energy? – Definition & Examples
  104. Solar Energy : Definition & Facts
  105. Energy Pyramid
  106. Lines of longitude and latitude 
  107. The ears
  108. The eyes
  109. Types of force
  110. Magnets and magnetism
  111. Wedges & Screws: Definition & Examples
  112. Simple Machines: Lever, Inclined Plane & Pulley
  113. Simple machines wedge , inclined plane and wheel and axle fixed
  114. Wheel & Axle: Definition, Facts & Examples
  115. Levers: Definition, Classes & Examples
  116. What is a Compound Machine? – Definition & Examples
  117. Simple machine picture quiz
  118. Magnets application quiz
  119. Science practice quiz fixed
  120. Science Examination quiz 1
  121. Science Examination quiz 2
  122. Science Examination practice 3
  123. Science Examination practice 4
  124. Science Examination practice 5
  125. Science Examination practice 6
  126. Science Examination practice 7
  127. Science Examination practice 8
  128. Science Examination practice 9
  129. Science Examination practice 10


  1. Dictionary skills
  2. Guide words
  3. Alphabetical order
  4. Reference materials 
  5. Identify the complete subject or complete predicate of a sentence fixed
  6. Parts of a sentence 
  7. Put the sentences in order
  8. Types of sentences  fixed
  9. What are nouns
  10. Types of nouns
  11. Singular and plural nouns
  12. Noun gender
  13. Use relative pronouns: who and whom
  14. Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which and that
  15. Pronouns
  16. Personal pronouns 
  17. Possessive pronouns 
  18. Demonstrative pronouns 
  19. Interjection
  20. What are verbs
  21. Conjunctions
  22. Adjectives 
  23. Adverbs
  24. Parts of speech fixed
  25. Choose the correct verbs to complete sentence fixed
  26. Idioms  fixed
  27. Capitalization: Rules & Definition
  28. End Punctuation
  29. Comma Rules
  30. Commas: Correct Usage & Basic Rules
  31. Using Colons
  32. Apostrophe
  33. Sentence errors fixed
  34. Punctuation marks fixed
  35. Subject and verb agreement
  36. Word contraction fixed
  37. Homophone 30 questions fixed
  38.  Correct preposition usage  fixed
  39. Using Pronouns Correctly
  40. Identifying and using pronouns correctly quiz 1
  41. Homophones fixed
  42. Antonyms 
  43. Homographs 
  44. Root words 
  45. Prefix
  46. Suffixes 
  47. Context clues
  48. Analogies 
  49. Synonyms 
  50. English  Examination practice 1
  51. English  Examination practice 2
  52. English  Examination practice 3
  53. English  Examination practice 4
  54. English  Examination practice 5
  55. English  Examination practice 6
  56. English  Examination practice 7
  57. English  Examination practice 8


    1. Restaurant menu 
    2. Human eyes
    3. Bones 
    4. Circulatory system
    5. The hurricane 
    6. Mammals
    7. Bartica Regatta
    8. Easter in Guyana 
    9. Mashramani in Guyana
    10. The restaurant menu
    11. The timetable
    12. The radio guide
    13. The digestive system
    14. Comparing pictographs
    15. Bar graphs 1
    16. Bar graphs 2
    17. Line graphs 1 
    18. Line graphs 2
    19. Pie chart 1 
    20. Pie chart 2 
    21. Map reading
    22. Drug abuse
    23. Poetry 1
    24. Poetry 2
    25. Poetry 3
    26. Poetry 4
    27. Poetry 5
    28. Poetry 6


  1. 1. Parts of friendly letter
  2. Parts of a business letter
  3. Transitional words
  4. Descriptive writing